
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

The most real debriefing so far – D47

As I mentioned before, one of the reasons of this hot debriefing was the disrespect towards Kata on the earlier tour. She told us she felt really bad and that we have been the worst group she has ever guided. Isa, Mabe, and Kata wrote a letter that they read and this led to further discussion of many topics. I will not detail them since it would be too long, but the main topics we discussed were the influence of Bert in the group (some are still seeing him as an authority), the lack of commitment, the lack of a common ground of things to do and principles and values, the lack of trust we have in the group (although we like to think of us as a family, clearly we are not there yet), the lack of standards and the confusion some have regarding this, the lack of good communication and the nonconformity with “the rules of the game” that Bert omitted to tell us when we entered the MPC, and the lack of bonding we have as a group. We discussed many things in a deep sense, so the debriefing lasted for more than 1.5 hours, all leaving around 8 p.m. Long and productive day. I think almost everyone and I can surely talk about myself, that we left the MPC with more energy and without a weight in our chests because we liberated things that needed to talk. I’m not saying its perfect now, it’s far from that, but it improved our process of culture building.

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