
martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Franz’s Morning Meeting and Individual Work – D30

After resisting for 30 MPC days to direct a morning meeting, Franz finally directed it. His activity was about reading something he wrote called, “What I talk about when I talk about “This” and “That””. As I understood it, it was about doing what we really want and not what society expects and wants us to do, just to fulfill some “social requirements”. It relates a lot with Emerson’s essay, Self-Reliance, because both talk about speaking up for yourself and not to surrender your liberty to the society’s approval. The activity was cool, although it lacked some dynamics to do it more interesting. Plus, he didn’t make time for announcements or for making the schedule for the day, but I don’t blame him because, being honest, he hasn’t been in many morning meetings for him to know that.

The rest of the morning was for individual work. I decided to work on some documentation and to make most of the eight-week self-evaluation Bert gave us. I think it was averagely productive.

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