The day finally arrived. After happiness, skepticism, joy, anxiety, and
excitement, it was our first day at the Michael Polanyi College. The day
started perfectly. I woke up around 5:15 a.m. and was at the College just 10
minutes before 7 a.m. We all had breakfast together and just chat, getting to
know each other a little better. There were a few students who I already knew
and of course many others that I was seeing for the first time. Also there was
Bert and Ingrid, our mentors throughout this journey. After breakfast, we made
a dynamic about the 7 dispositions, questioning, and habits of mind we will be
working through the next three years. It was interesting to see how different
opinions were given although we only knew each other minutes before. Then, Bert
gave us our “survival kit” for the MPC, which contained play dough, a couple of
laces, a small Rubik’s cube, tissues (for cleaning the future tears I assume),
a notebook, a pencil, an eraser, and post-its. We then, discussed the use of
each element in our survival kit and gave a true meaning to each of them, which
at first seem to be random objects.
Later, we read our first assignment, a two-minute
speech about our dreams. We also had to read before this day "Let your life speak", by Parker Palmer. This book is about finding your true vocation, your
mission in this world, the meaning of your life. It was great that we started
the MPC doing this, because this way you can get to know each member a little
more, you can share your dreams and passions, and start building a culture of
respect and support toward the mission everyone has. By the way, here is my speech!
On the afternoon, we saw the documentary, "Anatomy of
a dancer", about the life of Gene Kelly, one of the best dancers in the XX
century. To be honest, before watching this film I didn’t like nor appreciate
too much dancing, but something changed my mind after this film. It was Gene’s
passion for everything related to dancing. Dancing was his world, his life. It
made me wonder if people could really find their true vocation and passion, as
Parker Palmer’s book is about. I wonder how many people live without ever
finding what’s their true vocation and only do what they think society think
they should do, such as getting into college, finding a nice work that probably
they don’t like but that pays enough to live well, creating a family, and
settling for the rest of their life. What about what they like? Have they
forgotten what is really their passion? Have they lost their creativity and
settle with how the world “needs” them to be? Are they happy? Will they ever be
happy? I don’t know any of those questions, but I certainly know that I don’t
want to become one of them. I want to live every day of my life doing what I am
passionate for. I want to explore my creativity, grow my intellect, and be
really good at what I do, fulfilling my goals and dreams throughout my life.
So, this is how my day ended, a little tired but good
tired. Like those days you know you are productive and feel no regrets at all
of having wasted not a single moment of your day.
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