
miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

The eyes are the windows to the soul – D14

By Lorena’s petition, we made a very “out of the comfort zone” exercise. It consisted of making two lines, pair up with someone of the other line, and make eye contact for two minutes with each person. It is very interesting how we are used to not have deep eye contact. When doing the exercise we felt very awkward and uncomfortable at first, but after some laughs we began to concentrate on it and some even created a deep connection. I didn’t have a deep connection with anyone, but it was cool to experience it. I do think it would be better with more time with each person. Although I didn’t make such connection, there were some that did, for example Bert and Carmen, and Pablito and Isa with Kata. A very funny comment was something Carmen said about perceiving that Alejo had a little Alejo inside, like an inner child. Also with Carmen and Bert, she started thinking of Bert’s childhood, which became psychic because Bert was thinking of Carmen thinking of his childhood. Serendipity! Pablito and Isa cried on their turn with Kata, but they didn’t know why, they just felt it. So, these are the things I was referring to. I mean, how much can the eyes of someone tell you about their life, their feelings, their thoughts. Its impressive how a simple exercise of looking to the eyes of someone, can lead to an intimate connection of both parts. Can a “simple” look give you more information and bonding than the talked word, a story, or actions per se? Can “the eyes be the windows to the soul”? Can you see life through the eyes?

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