As I already told you, we decided to
move the Thanksgiving activity for until everybody was at the MPC. We gathered
and circled up at around 10:30 and started to say what we were thankful for. It
was a great activity, very emotional, and there was a lot of crying (only the
ladies). I liked it a lot, and it made me reflect of what I’m truly thankful
for. It was kind of difficult to put it into words, but when I finally said it,
it was great. Just seeing everybody share what they are thankful made the
environment a very trustful one.
What I said was this, “Well, I’m
thankful for being me, for having the capacity to actually think for myself,
the capacity to make decisions, and with what Javier just mentioned, I mean I
was trying to put this into words and I think you explained it very very well.
I mean this series, I don’t know if I can call them coincidences, but as Alejo
was saying, I mean we were studying economics and we were only three semesters
from graduating and while as different from Alejo I did started the semester,
but then we encountered in the faculty and we started talking about the
assignations and all that stuff and he mentioned the MPC, and then while, I
mean, the whole Deirdre McCloskey dialogue was like a huge coincidence for me,
because I then realized that when I saw you guys and the group, I knew it would
be a great group, so it encouraged me to actually make that move from what I
was studying and get to the MPC. Well, actually it was the whole day. At first
I attended the conference of Deirdre McCloskey and then went to the dialogue,
and after it… I mean, I was working with this idea of education the whole year
and when we had the dialogue (although it was not the best one (laughs)), but
after I was talking with Bert, I mean it was just a, I don’t know if a
coincidence of events that led me to actually make the decision that I was
going to get to the MPC. And of course, for my family for supporting me. I’m
thankful for that. And yeah, I’m thankful for being here, for having the
capacity to reason, and to I mean, practically live with you guys and learn
from you and from the people around me.”
I say a lot “I mean” haha.