So, yesterday I was watching this
TEDTalk about “The transformative powers of classical music” by Benjamin Zander, and I found it great and posted it in the group MPC at UFM. To my
surprise, Franz decided to share this TEDTalk and at first I thought he didn’t
prepare anything and saw my post on the group, so I was a little disappointed
of him, but then, I saw my post and found out he didn’t saw it and that it was
a very rare coincidence. Do great minds think alike? Maybe it was just a happy
coincidence because it was a great talk. Everybody enjoyed it a lot. By the
way, we changed Agora with the Morning meeting because of some sound
At 9:30 a.m. we had a dialogue about
“Apology” by Plato. We read out loud the first paragraphs and then discussed
them, reaching to the conclusion (with a lot of Bert’s interventions, almost as
if he dominated the dialogue) that Socrates, in his defense, is not only making
the context and structuring his arguments for future refutation of the
prosecutors’ arguments, but he is teaching how human mind works. It was a good
dialogue for the Epicycle 1 about Classical Works.
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